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The New York Times best-selling Almanac is packed with incredible photos, tons of fun facts, National Geographic exclusives, games, activities, and fascinating features about animals, science, nature, technology, and more. 

This new edition features:  

  • EXCLUSIVE National Geographic Explorer interviews and features   
  • EXCLUSIVE Interactive Almanac Challenge 2024, plus the results of the Almanac Challenge 2023  
  • BONUS SECTION of sidesplitting jokes and riddles   
  • NEW fun-tastic things to see and do in 2024  
  • NEW cutest animal superlatives and animal rescue stories  
  • NEW science and dinosaur discoveries  
  • NEW fun games, quizzes, and activities  
  • NEW weird and wacky places around the world  
  • NEW experiments to do, places to explore, and ways to change the world  
  • UPDATED reference material, including fast facts and maps of every country  

Check out for more information and to take the 2024 Almanac Challenge, Elephant-Stagram! 


“…this gathering of upbeat, vividly illustrated, browser-friendly dips into topics ranging from black holes to blue-footed boobies to Bolivian street food is hard to put down, and the pop quizzes and research guides at each chapter’s end will give studious sorts a leg up, too”.― Kirkus


Thanks to Media Masters Publicity ALWAYS in THE MIDDLE was chosen to host their own special giveaway of ALMANAC 2024. No Rafflecopter!

  • One winner will receive a copy of National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024
  • US/Canada only
  • Ends 8/13 at 11:59pm ET
  • Enter by leaving a brief comment below (like “Count me in!”)



It’s almost time for another Marvelous Middle Grade Monday. Won’t you join us? It’s here I share highlights from other individuals blogging about middle grade books. Many of the posts will have reviews, interviews, and tips on writing. Take a look at PAST MMGM POSTS.

It’s easy to get a spot in the lineup. All you have to do is email me the title of the book or feature and a link to your blog at gpcolo[at]gmail[dot]com

Make sure you put MMGM or Marvelous Middle Grade Monday in the subject line so it gets sorted accurately–and don’t forget to say what you’re featuring) You MUST email me your link by Sunday evening (11 PM Eastern Time) in order to be included in the list of links for the coming Monday.

*Please note: these posts are not a reflection of my own opinions on the books featured. Each blogger is responsible for their own MMGM content and I do not pre-screen reviews ahead of time, nor do I control what books they choose. I simply assemble the list based on the links that are emailed to me.

About Greg Pattridge

Climbing another mountain...always striving to reach the next peak in my life and career.
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7 Responses to NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Kids ALMANAC 2024 (plus a GIVEAWAY)

  1. Danielle Hammelef says:

    Thank you for the chance!

  2. Debbie D says:

    Love this series. Count me in.

  3. Judy L says:

    I missed last year’s Almanac but have quite a few in previous years. It would be nice to win this copy!

  4. Carol Baldwin says:

    I’d love to win this for my grandkids. Thanks for the opportunity.

  5. Cindy S says:

    Yes, put me in drawing.

  6. Rachael Vigil says:

    My kids love this series and we’ve taken it on many road trips.

  7. Bill Wagner says:

    Thanks for the giveaway chance.

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