CONFESSIONS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND for Marvelous Middle Grade Monday

I have my own confession to make. When I was a young boy growing up in a house full of girls, I had an imaginary friend. His name was The Invisible Man. Not the most creative name, but he served his purpose, giving me comfort in those early years. Of course as I grew older he left my world to remain only in name.

Now comes along a special book, CONFESSIONS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND: A Memoir by Jacques Papier. The concept is so brilliant,514noAQ7Z8L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ so creative, and so full of  insights about growing up, that I’m sure it will become a classic. Seems that the fine folks at 20th Century Fox Animation think so, too. They’ve already acquired the rights to the story even before the book is published.

The standard way to do a story of this type would be to write it from the perspective of the child who has the imaginary friend. Thank goodness the gifted author, Michelle Cuevas, chose to write this from Jacques’s first person narrative, because he is the imaginary friend.

You will laugh out loud in several places and possibly have a tear or two as real-life emotional issues are explored. This would make an excellent introduction to new readers of middle grade, but in reality young and old alike will be touched by its charm.

If you leave a comment (even an I want to win! will do), I’ll enter you in a drawing for a brand new hardback edition of CONFESSIONS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND courtesy of Penguin/Random House Publishers.  Hurry up though as I will draw the name next Sunday evening (Sept. 13 – 6pm EDT). If you win it will be one of those books that won’t stay on your bookshelf for long.


FULL PLOT (From Penguin-Random House):

Jacques Papier has the sneaking suspicion that everyone except his sister Fleur hates him. Teachers ignore him when his hand is raised in class, he is never chosen for sports teams, and his parents often need to be reminded to set a place for him at the dinner table. But he is shocked when he finally learns the truth: He is Fleur’s imaginary friend! When he convinces Fleur to set him free, he begins a surprising, touching, and always funny quest to find himself—to figure out who Jacques Papier truly is, and where he belongs.


  1. Reluctant readers rejoice. The chapters are short (the first one is only 111 words). and the spacing of the lines perfect for eyes that shudder at too many words on one page. There are also small kid-like pencil sketches every so often to break up the text.
  2. The humor is surprising and sophisticated. It caught me of guard while reading the story as I waited to get a haircut. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling. I wish there was a picture of the looks I was getting from others wondering what could be bringing so much joy to my corner of the waiting area.
  3. Imaginaries Anonymous and The Office of Reassignment were both marvelous parallels to the real world. Show don’t Tell has a place for authors to study by visiting these pages.
  4. The story is a bundled up nicely for a successful conclusion. Not exactly what you expect, but so powerful in its effect.
  5. All of the characters Jacques meets along the way will be ones you may of crossed paths in your own life. They are each there to make a point about belonging and learning about oneself.

FAVORITE LINES:(And there are so many to choose from!)

“See,” I said, crouching back down to join Bernard. “I told you she’d be fine. She’s just sitting there with an ice pack over her eye. If it were anything serious, there would be an ambulance or a priest or something.”


What inspired you to tell your story?

I guess I just wanted there to be a story out there for everyone who ever felt like I did; everyone who has felt unseen and invisible at some point in their lives. Some people probably feel like that right now. And I wanted them to know they’re not alone.

Also, I’d like to meet Oprah.

WHO IS AUTHOR, Michelle Cuevas?

Michelle Cuevas graduated from William’s College an holds a master of fine arts degree in creative writing from the University of Virginia. She is the author of The Masterwork of a Painting Elephant and Beyond the Laughing Sky. She lives in Massachusetts.   Michelle Cuevas’s web site.



Check the links to other Middle Grade novels over at Shannon Messenger’s Marvelous Middle Grade Monday post.


About Greg Pattridge

Climbing another mountain...always striving to reach the next peak in my life and career.
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12 Responses to CONFESSIONS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND for Marvelous Middle Grade Monday

  1. Sounds like a brilliant idea. I’m sold.

  2. Sounds like a great book and idea to write this from the imaginary friend’s viewpoint. I am going to let someone else win the giveaway.

  3. Andrea says:

    Love this concept and it sounds like it was executed well! Adding it to my “want to read” list!

  4. sbbelford says:

    I love the concept. Can’t wait to read it. Think I might invent an imaginary friend in my adulthood just to annoy my husband!-Bibi Belford

  5. cleemckenzie says:

    Great for kids on several fronts. I’d like to read it if it has dialog similar to what you’ve posted today!

  6. Wow, this sounds really original and right up my alley! Because, you know, all the cool kids had imaginary friends…or so my imaginary friend told me. 😉

    I would love to win a copy! Here’s hoping I will!

  7. I will definitely be reading this one. Thanks for the glowing review. Since I just won (and received) a big box of books and a Starbucks card from you, I will pass on this giveaway and let someone else win. But thanks for the post. I have already put this on my TBR list.

  8. Sounds like a fantastic book. And yes, I’d love to win it. I’ll be happy to post a review if I do!

  9. I like to see books on imaginary friends — because many kids have them. Sounds like a fun and lively story. I enjoyed your review and your reasons for liking this book.

  10. salarsen says:

    This story sounds very sweet and clever! Thanks so much for sharing it. 🙂

  11. Susan says:

    What a clever idea for a plot. It sounds wonderful. I had to laugh a little while reading the description of the full plot, because it reminded me of the plot of the movie The Sixth Sense! I always like your Likes in the list format.

  12. Pingback: Favorite Middle Grade Reading Moments 2015 & a Giveaway – Always in the Middle

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