THE WIZARD’S DOG for Marvelous Middle Grade Monday

Did you miss my interview earlier this month with THE WIZARD’S DOG author Eric Kahn Gale? Click here to get caught up or keep reading below for my review.

The legend of The Sword in the Stone is given a brand new slant with this creative and funthe-wizards-dog magical adventure. Merlin, his apprentice Morgana, and young Arthur are joined by Nosewise, Merlin’s spunky faithful companion. Nosewise discovers if he wears one of his master’s magic stones, he can actually speak like a human and make magic himself.

This is not one of those cute dog stories (although Nosewise does have his charm). Instead The Wizard’s Dog is a thrilling ride through 37 chapters as Nosewise seeks to find the kidnapped Merlin. There’s also humor brought on by Nosewise trying to understand human ways–the way we talk, eat, and smell–and how to  unleash magic spells for the first time. More than anything he is loyal to his family.

The Wizard’s Dog is perfect to read out loud or enjoy curled up on the couch. Either way, you’ll have a memorable journey ending with an epic battle in Avalon. I’m looking forward to future tales with Nosewise leading the way. Woof. Woof.

PUBLICATION DATE: January 17, 2017   PAGE COUNT: 288

FULL PLOT: Meet Nosewise. He’s spunky. He’s curious. And he’s a dog who can’t understand why his pack mates Merlin and Morgana spend all day practicing magic tricks. If it’s a trick they want, he’s the dog to ask! He can already Sit!, Stay!, and Roll Over!

But there’s no way Nosewise is Stay!ing when his master and best friend, Merlin, is kidnapped. There’s nothing Nosewise won’t do to get Merlin back, even if it means facing the strange Fae people and their magic-eating worms, or tangling with the mysterious Sword in the Stone. But it may take more than sniffing out a spell to do it!


  1. You get an understanding of  a dog’s way of hearing, seeing, and smelling. Our canine companions are unique creatures and depicted here with expert narration.
  2. This will appeal to a wide audience whether you love dogs, legends, or fairy tales.
  3. Illustrations appear throughout and although I saw the unfinished version, the artwork adds even more life to a story that is hard to put down.
  4. For any young readers not familiar with Merlin, this would make a great introduction and likely propel them to search out other legendary stories.
  5. Oberon, King of the Summer Fae, is one of the nastiest antagonists both in appearance and actions in any recent MG adventure. You’ll hope he gets what’s due to him by the end.

FAVORITE LINES: After the dogs approved me, I turned my nose on them. There’s a lot you can learn from a dog’s backside. Besides their unique scent, you can tell how well they’re eating, their age, and if they’re healthy. But even with all that, not even the most loving human will ever sniff a dog’s butt. They don’t know what they are missing.

AUTHOR QUOTE (From Eric’s website):

“All of my books have been inspired by my life. My first novel, The Bully Book, is a a comic mystery taken directly from my experiences being bullied in 6th grade. My second, The Zoo at the Edge of the World, is a fantasy prompted by my lifelong obsession with animals. And my newest book, The Wizard’s Dog, is what I imagine my lovely dog, Bowser, would be like if he was granted magic powers. Life has enriched my books, and these books have vastly enriched my life.”


Check the links to other Middle Grade novels over at Shannon Messenger’s Marvelous Middle Grade Monday post.


About Greg Pattridge

Climbing another mountain...always striving to reach the next peak in my life and career.
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13 Responses to THE WIZARD’S DOG for Marvelous Middle Grade Monday

  1. I’m not a fan of stories with animals that are the main characters. But this sounds good and could be a good way to introduce the Merlin and King Arthur stories to kids in a way that would appeal to them.

  2. Such a unique twist on The Sword and the Stone — a favorite of mine. There are times when the main character is an animal if very effective way of telling a story. I love the dog infused with magical powers that gives readers insight into its highly developed senses. What a fun story that also teaches introduces kids to the King Arthur tales! I also enjoyed your earlier interview with Eric Kahn and what prompted him to write this story.

  3. Keving Gerard says:

    Oh man, is this going to be a great book. What kid could ever put that back on the shelf after looking at the cover?

    Kevin Gerard – AWA
    Award Winning Author of the Diego’s Dragon children’s fantasy series

  4. Cheryl McKenzie says:

    I’m already in love with the dog! I’m sure kids are going to find this a wonderful story to read.

  5. Dorine White says:

    Hey, we match today! Though I did an author interview. Between the two of us we’ve got it covered 🙂 I can’t wait to read it.

  6. Love the dog’s name, and also the lines you quoted. Sounds like a fun introduction to Merlin with a unique POV.

  7. This book is getting some play today. Thanks for your views on it. I think it’s a great concept and I love the cover. I think I will try to check it out.

  8. Andrea Mack says:

    Ha ha! That quote made me laugh. This sounds like a fun book. What a cool idea to write it from a dog’s POV.

  9. Susan says:

    That is one drooly dog! Looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Violet Tiger says:

    The cover is beautiful, and I love the Sword in the Stone! It’s on my TBR list. Thanks for the review!

  11. Sue Kooky says:

    I absolutely love stories from an animals point of view! *hides all 30 Warriors books into the depths of the internet* Plus, like, magic and mythology/lore/whatever the sword in the stone is is ALWAYS A WINNER!!!!

  12. Looks great! I like the description on the cover: “He sits. He speaks. He casts spells.” Man’s best friend is only made better with a little bit of magic!


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