In paperback format, this eye opening account of 25 woman explains how the world’s leading activists, authors, and scientists are helping combat climate change. I spotted a few recognizable names like Greta Thunberg and Margaret Atwood, but most were my first introduction to their work.

Each outstanding individual is given a two-page spread with their story opposite an illustrated picture. Learn how Zoologist Lucy King figured out an ingenious way for elephants and farmers to live side by side; How Anne Hidalgo became the mayor of Paris and enacted many environmental policies; or discover Angelina Arora who has created a plastic that breaks down in just 33 days (compared to 400 years) and the chemicals actually help plants grow.

It’s exciting to see most of these woman were inspired by what they experienced in their younger life as middle graders and teens. Dreams can become realities.

Along the way are extra QR codes that lead to audio stories of other trailblazing women. Bonus material in the back page invite readers to create their own story and portrait. Next comes a CELEBRATE NATURE piece with activities to learn about and advocated for nature and wildlife. The last page has many ideas to LIVE GREEN.

You can view all the books in the REBEL GIRLS series at rebel There is even an app available.

Rebel Girls—Climate Warriors is an inspiring look at what one can do with purpose and drive. Most important, it will inspire others to do the same.


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About Greg Pattridge

Climbing another mountain...always striving to reach the next peak in my life and career.
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  1. A good review of female climate warriors. Thank you 😊🌍

  2. Danielle Hammelef says:

    I enjoy reading books like this one and appreciate your review.

  3. carolbaldwin says:

    Thanks for highlighting this book.

  4. Love the title on this book — and the topic that covers a variety of girls/women. The layout sounds really helpful for readers. Great for the classroom!

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