An unpredictable, fantasy-filled mystery with some memorable characters and quite a few twists. Front and center on the cover is Etta Johnson. Her passion is writing a comic book about Invincible Girl, a brave and daring hero—a trait Etta would like a little more of in her life. She’s also dealing with the possibility of having Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder that causes hearing loss, Tinnitus, and vertigo. Etta often uses her phone to interpret what others are saying.

Eleazar, pictured left, is a new friend who has an adorable goldendoodle he calls Louisa May Alcott. The mystery begins when Eleazar and Etta discover a magical train at the local station. When Louisa runs onto the train and is gone, the kids’ quest to find the lost dog begins.

The train is like none other. Onboard they find challenges in each car they must pass in order to save the pup. But the magic on the train is malfunctioning and emitting a purple smoke causing “The Fear” to grip the city of Chicago. It’s up to Etta and her new friend to save not only the dog but also their town and themselves.

Etta narrates the story and is a strong protagonist. She has bouts of sadness, confusion, and bravery. Readers will embrace her plight and cheer for Etta to the final pages. Etta Invincible is perfect for fantasy lovers. An impressive debut.


  1. Having never heard of this inner ear disease, the plot filled me in with each passing scene as to how one lives with the many complications Ménière’s disease brings.
  2. The friendship between Etta and Eleazar is hesitant and first but grows as the story unfolds. Great character arcs for each.
  3. Doses of humor add to the tale, like a roller skating conductor who appears to be a minor character but by the last page plays a major part.
  4. The way Invincible Girl’s comic book story is woven into the pages. You get to see some of Etta’s comic panels at the beginning and end. In between is a traditional text based story, but Invincible Girl would be nice to find in a future full blown graphic novel.
  5. Such supportive parents! They both deal with Etta’s hearing loss in their own unique way.


Reese Eschmann holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Illinois-Chicago and worked in schools for six years. When she’s not writing or taking naps, Reese enjoys rock climbing, baking, and making movies with her family. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband and their hound dog. Etta Invincible is her debut novel.

(For more visit Reese’s author web site)


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About Greg Pattridge

Climbing another mountain...always striving to reach the next peak in my life and career.
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6 Responses to ETTA INVINCIBLE

  1. Sounds it’s good all the elements for a great read, adding to my TBR! Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. This sounds like a great fantasy. I really like the train setting. I can’t believe I forgot to email you about middle grade author interview this week. Oh well.

  3. Andrea Mack says:

    This one sounds really great!! I love how it includes a character with an illness we don’t always see in books (I featured a book like that today too). I also love that she writes comic books!! I definitely need to check this out. Thanks for featuring it!

  4. Etta is certainly a strong and determined character who powers through her Ménière’s diagnosis. Sounds like a really cool and talented character. I know two women/sisters who have Ménière’s and it can be quite debilitating. Didn’t know it appeared in kids. You didn’t say, but the author must know someone with the disease. Thanks for sharing this intriguing fantasy!

  5. carolbaldwin says:

    This sounds like a great book with some interesting components. Thanks for sharing it with us. I wonder if Josie will want to read it? Now I have 2 bloggers to feed books to!

  6. Hearing loss is so isolating! That would be hard for a young person to deal with. And vertigo is awful. Right away I am interested in this story and character, even though I’m not much of a fantasy person. You make this very enticing. Thanks for the post.

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